my grandma recommends chamomile tea for anxiety

Whenever I was nervous about something like an exam (especially when I took my driving test) by grandma would have many tricks up her sleeve to help.

Some of them were a little crazy, but one of her best ones was chamomile tea. Somehow it seems to help calm you down and get rid of those pre-exam jitters. I did some research into it and saw that chamomile tea can effect some of the same brain receptors as valium, so maybe that's why it works!

more natural advice from grandma

Something a little embarrassing that my grandma talked about at times was yeast infections (you can understand what I'm talking about here). She was very into natural remedies for this, so she would tell us (well, my sister when she found out she had a yeast infection) to use live yogurt and also have bicarbonate of soda baths.

I think some of this advice is common practice nowadays, and maybe it always was. I did some research and found that these kind of things recommended in other places. Actually in this article here it talks about some of the natural things you can do, it's very similar to what my grandma used to recommend too.

my grandma was a nurse

Something I should point out is that my grandma was also a trained nurse for many years. Someone asked me about some of her remedies before and obviously some of them are a little experimental lol, but she did have training too, so it wasn't all hocus pocus.

She used to recommend benzoyl peroxide cream for when the acne was very bad and it does work well. Whenever I have flare ups that are bad, I use a 5% benzoyl solution, so its very mild but it works well :) But I swear the dairy things makes a difference too.

Grandma Says Dairy Gives You Acne?

Some of the first advice my grandma ever gave me was concerning my acne. It's something I suffered with as a teenager, but I've sometimes had it reoccur as an adult, even though it's to a lesser degree.

I used to try all kinds of creams and gadgets, and I even got quite into Proactiv, even though it can be quite expensive. They worked a little bit, but never permanently, and it only seemed to lessen the symptoms rather than make them disappear altogether.

I think my mom must have mentioned it to my grandma one day, because the next time I saw her she started talking about it. She asked me if I ate much dairy, and I told her that yes, I did. She said I should try to cut back on that and see if it helps my skin.

I really didn't think diet has much to do with it, and maybe it doesn't for some people - because I'm not saying that dairy is the cause of acne or anything. But when I stopped eating cheese, drinking milk, and eating yogurts, I found my acne did improve quite a bit. I was still using some skin care products though so maybe some of it can be explained by that. But I'm sure my grandma was right about the dairy.

Advice From My Grandma

My grandma was the kind of person who had a natural cure for anything. I guess it was her generation, but she always had good old wisdom and advice to share with me and my sisters.

She even had an old dusty book she kept with her that had various natural remedies for things (no, she wasn't a witch haha!) but some of the things she said were interesting, and they would usually work too.

She was ahead of her time in a way, because a lot of the things she advised are things you see recommended in magazines these days - especially when it comes to healthy cooking :) Anyway I decided to create a little blog which shares some of the things I've learned from her over the years :)